Thursday, January 8, 2009


I read a lot in 2008. For all those parenting books that say it will be many years before you finish a book again, I say ppppppptbtt. After Gus was a few months old, it was impossible to knit while nursing. There's a lot of what was I supposed to do?

All the Fishes Come Home To Roost by Rachel Manjia Brown was by far my favorite book this year. I may have technically read it in 2007, but lordy, this book was good.

I Was Told There'd be Cake
by Sloane Crosley was also a favorite. It's rare for me to read nonfiction, but this book was hilarious and fun to read.

Also this year, I read the Narnia books again, The Old Man and the Sea (Hemingway), The Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck), The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea (Mishimia), Pigs in Heaven (Kingsolver), and a few random things from the library that aren't immediately coming to mind. It was nice to check some big ones off the list, so I can no longer claim that despite the English degree I've never read Hemingway or Steinbeck. I still find that shocking how little you have to read to get a degree in literature, but honestly I think the University is so concerned with getting you out that they don't care how you do it. They're cranking out those liberal arts degrees, sending us all out into the world totally equipped to diagram a sentence and write a book report.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hehe; I have an English degree from NDSU and had to read a ton!!! While I have "The Sun Also Rises" on my bookshelf, it's never moved from there :) With Jax I did a bulk of my reading too while he was breastfeeding. The only thing getting in the way of me reading right now is my obsessive knitting habit :D