Monday, November 3, 2008

dear blog, I'm sorry

Dear blog,

I'm so sorry that I haven't been around much recently. You see, things come up and you're just no longer even close to the top of the to-do list. Right now, for example, I'm in my office (I come in only one day a week) and I am alternating between printing the agendas for tonight's community meeting and stopping August from knocking the lit rack over on himself - again, eating coasters that he found somewhere, and chewing on power cords. The whole "bring baby to work" thing was great when he was mesmerized by the ceiling fan. Those days are gone, and now he requires either constant hovering in order to keep him out of harm's way, or if I'm lucky - he'll fall asleep.

This whole blog thing was easier in the past as well when we had two computers at home. One home one, and my work laptop. Now it's just the one, and I don't get as much internet time. Again, blog is not at the top of the to-do list. I have to update ravelry!

Anyway, things are going decently well. Gus continues to wake at night, but there are nights like last night when he only gets up 3 times. Of course, there are also nights like last Thursday when neither Dave nor I at any point were able to fall asleep, what with the crying, the asleep-crying, and the being punched in the face by our lovely first born. I have a new strategy and outlook and am hoping that we can do more to get him to sleep more (aside to day light savings time - I despise you).

I will try to update poor ol' plums in bloom more often. Because August wants to spend so much time exploring his world, I'm getting many knitting projects done, along with a ton of reading. I'm so glad that it's winter again, my thoughts have turned to making blankets. I've got a few things to finish before I buy yarn again, but I can dream. Maybe this winter I'll finally get around to that etsy shop too. So many folks have expressed interest and delight in Gus's knitted pants that I have seriously considered selling them. Any thoughts? Based on the reactions I get from other mothers, I'm guessing that I could sell them for at least $15. And since they take about a week each to make (the smaller the better) I could have a little inventory built up in no time.

That's all for now, dear blog. Gus just knocked over a garbage can for the 3rd time. Maybe it's time I moved it up on the counters. He can't reach up there. At least, not yet.

Truly yours,
